Welcome to the neighborhood!
Below are some links and notes to help your move into the HOA a smooth one. This website offers links to your governing documents, design review committee information, some FAQs, and more. This page in particular is a great place to start when you first arrive.
1. First things first - the HOA office phone is: 970-312-0296 (Manager is Tracy Brown). When you know your move in date, please call the office to set up your trash service, and if you have already moved in, go ahead and make that call now. Trash pick up is on Tuesday mornings. When you have a chance, stop in the office on a Tuesday (1PM-5PM) or Wednesday, (9AM- 1PM) to introduce yourself!
2. Next, please take a minute to fill out an "Owner Information Update Form" and send it in to the office. This will help expedite our communication with you and help you get your PayHOA account set up.
3. DMEA is the electric company for our area. Their number is: 877-687-3632, and their link is listed below. If you haven't set up your account yet, that is the number to call. They also offer ELEVATE Internet service.
4. Blackhills Energy is the gas company for our area. A link to their website is listed below.
5. Each quarter a newsletter is sent out via email (if you email address is on file) and uploaded to our website. You can find newsletters from 2023 by clicking the button below.
6. There is a FAQ page you can learn about here. If you find there is something you would like to know that is not listed, please let the office know and they can add it to the site!
7. If you have moved into a newly built home (or a home that does not yet have landscaping), please know that all landscaping must be complete within ONE year of the date of the Certificate of Occupancy (see Guidelines for details). The Design Review Committee (DRC) is ready and waiting to work with you to complete your landscape request forms. We find that the landscapers are often backlogged for at least a year, so working early to get your landscaping plan set up is usually the best practice. If you have questions, please get in touch with a DRC member or the HOA manager (970-312-0296).
8. If you are moving into a newly built home, please double check with the office that your Certificate of Occupancy is on file.
8. Your HOA's governing documents can be found here.