Updates on the 2024 Goals and Objectives of the Board of Directors
Communication goal - discussed in May 15, 2024 BOD meeting:
Current progress: Website has been expanded and now has the following pages: Home; New Owner Welcome; "Owners" with sub categories of: Financials; minutes; newsletters; trash service; owner contacts; Builders page; Board of Directors; Governing Documents; Landscape/Lawn; Design Review; FAQ; CCIOA; RV Storage Lot; Stonebridge Townhomes; Mesa Point PUD; Forms; Emergency Preparedness
Quarterly Newsletters are sent. Each asks homeowners to offer article suggestions, attend meetings, etc.
Management available. Management responds to calls or emails within one business day (M-F), and holds consistent regular office hours for two days per week covering both a morning and an afternoon/evening shift.
Board Meeting time and dates are posted on the office door with agendas and draft minutes, and emailed using PayHOA giving 5 days notice of the meeting. Each meeting offers "open comments" for Owners.
PayHOA's message board is used to share information with Owners.
June 19, 2024 BOD Meeting Goal update: Goal is BOD Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). A work session took place in May which helped outline an SOP to offer written continuity from one (Board / DRC / Management Company) serving to the next. Marcia Martin (VP) has agreed to drafting the next phase of the document. This document is a work in progress.
August /September / October - the board has held three budget work sessions preparing a proposed budget for 2025.
Communication goal - discussed in May 15, 2024 BOD meeting:
Current progress: Website has been expanded and now has the following pages: Home; New Owner Welcome; "Owners" with sub categories of: Financials; minutes; newsletters; trash service; owner contacts; Builders page; Board of Directors; Governing Documents; Landscape/Lawn; Design Review; FAQ; CCIOA; RV Storage Lot; Stonebridge Townhomes; Mesa Point PUD; Forms; Emergency Preparedness
Quarterly Newsletters are sent. Each asks homeowners to offer article suggestions, attend meetings, etc.
Management available. Management responds to calls or emails within one business day (M-F), and holds consistent regular office hours for two days per week covering both a morning and an afternoon/evening shift.
Board Meeting time and dates are posted on the office door with agendas and draft minutes, and emailed using PayHOA giving 5 days notice of the meeting. Each meeting offers "open comments" for Owners.
PayHOA's message board is used to share information with Owners.
June 19, 2024 BOD Meeting Goal update: Goal is BOD Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). A work session took place in May which helped outline an SOP to offer written continuity from one (Board / DRC / Management Company) serving to the next. Marcia Martin (VP) has agreed to drafting the next phase of the document. This document is a work in progress.
August /September / October - the board has held three budget work sessions preparing a proposed budget for 2025.